Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Prepare yourself to explore the blog post to find out the solutions that you are looking for solving common web hosting problems:
1. How to showcase latest changes are not shown on the website?: 
Refresh your website as the changes may have been hidden in your browser’s cache. Sometimes the regular refresh doesn’t work. You can do a hard refresh.

Follow these steps to clean cache on Mozilla Firefox: 
-Open Firefox.
-On the top menu bar, click on the Firefox menu.
-Choose the Preferences option.
-Select the Advanced panel.
-Click the Network tab.
-In the Cached Web Content section, click Clear Now.
-Exit and relaunch the browser.
Follow these steps to clean cache on Google Chrome:
-Open Google Chrome.
-Click the Chrome menu button (three vertical dots).
-Click More Tools
-Select Clear Browsing Data
-In the dialog box that appears, select the items you want to remove.
-Click “Clear browsing data” & select timeframe.
-Restart browser.

2.When Website showing ‘down’ sign:
In this case, Your hosting platform’s server may be facing downtime problems. So your next step will be calling the hosting platform’s call center as you need to get the solution ASAP. 
3.Display Image upload problem: 
  • Most likely that your uploaded images are in the wrong folder.
  • Right click on the image and select “Open image in a new tab” to find out the image location by checking the URL. Then move/ replace the image into that location.
  • On the other hand, you have another EASY solution! It may sound silly but it surprisingly works for most of the cases; Just re-upload the image. 

4. How to change website’s layout?:
  • Re-uploading the entire site can be a solution as sometimes cascading style sheet (CSS) isn’t showing the right place where it should be placed.
  • Find out the CSS file’s location where it should be stored. If it’s not placed the right area, then move/ replace it.

5. Database connection error:
  •  You have to check the wp-config setting. 
  • You need to confirm that the information in your wp-config.php file is correct. 
  • Recheck at the username, password, and hostname fields. 

6.What to do when website crashes?: 
  • The website may crash due to excessive traffic. In that case, you have to upgrade your hosting plan immediately. 
  • Before running a big budget campaign, you need to fix your website’s problem fast as people will search for the website at the very first.

So you need to upgrade your budget while thinking about web hosting space. You will find your suitable hosting plan from ADNSERVERS.
7. When your official Email isn’t working & you are unable to install script for website hosting:
  • Check the common reasons behind the problem such as incorrect account configuration, server level issue and the problem with disk quotas.
  • Check the account configuration of your email client. 
  • Recheck the ‘desktop client configuration’ setup.
  • You can install a few common scripts within a few minutes. You have to use these programs to set up the script. You can solve the problems by checking the welcome email anytime (because the welcome email contains the information you need to get started).

To explore hosting related blogs click.
To know more about web hosting click
Are you looking for the Best Hosting Service for Small Business? Click the link to buy NOW!

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Get The 4 Easiest Solutions for Common Web Hosting Problems

Prepare yourself to explore the blog post to find out the solutions that you are looking for:
  1. “Why the latest changes are not shown on the website?”
  1. “What should I do when my website is showing ‘down’ sign”?
  1. “My website isn’t displaying any image that I uploaded. What is the solution”?
  1. “My website’s layout isn’t perfect; I want to change it!”    Read the full blog here:
To explore hosting related blogs click.
To know more about web hosting click
Are you looking for the Best Hosting Service for Small Business? Click the link to buy NOW!

Monday, April 29, 2019

Get The Top 5 Web Hosting Problems and Their Solutions

  1. Database connection error:

  1. Check whether your add-ons domains working or not:

Web Hosting services
  1. Website crash due to heavy traffic:

  1. What does happen to the Downtime?

  1. When your official Email isn’t working & you are unable to install script for website hosting:

You have finished reading the blog. The blog has been written about the few web hosting problems. Your problems will be solved easily if you select the best web hosting for your website. Beware about the hosting space as its really important for the e-commerce site. Additionally, suitable website design is also important to grab your potential customers to your website.
To know more about hosting and online business click: 
To solve hosting related problem click:   

Thursday, April 25, 2019

5 Web Hosting Problems and Their Solutions

Online Business in Bangladesh

Solving some web hosting problems aren’t that tough! You may fix the problems within a few clicks. Most of the cases, lack of communication between the customer and the website hosting company can cause a bigger problem while solving the problem. So it would be really great if you could solve a few problems on your own.

Get your few problems solved by reading the blog post:

Thursday, April 18, 2019

4 Easiest Solutions for Common Web Hosting Problems

4 Easiest Solutions for Common Web Hosting Problems

When you buy a web hosting in Bangladesh, you will definitely find technical problems at least once in a while!
So isn’t it better to take precaution before facing the problems that would arise?
Sometimes it looks like very silly mistakes can happen, even you would solve the problems within few seconds. Rather you search on google to get a solution or call an expert.
Prepare yourself to explore the blog post to find out the solutions that you are looking for:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Independence Day Special 26% Discount - Applied for All Hosting Packages

Your favorite web hosting service provider, ADN Servers is back again with another exciting discount on all its hosting packages. Make it count before the time runs out. 

A perfect hosting can make your online venture a lot smoother than you think. So, before you pick any random hosting service, do not forget to check ADN Servers

You think you have an amazing business idea? Don't wait, turn it into reality today and live the life of your dreams.

To celebrate the spirit of Independence we are offering a special 26% discounts on all hosting packages. Buy hosting from ADN Servers and build your dream website today. #MoveFastAndBuildThings

For Web Hosting visit:
For CMS Hosting visit:

Use Promo Code INDEPENDENCE26 to win 26% discount on all hosting packages.

Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Importance of a Good Hosting - Must Read!

Your website is your storefront professional face to the virtual world, and it is essential to remain always available and fully operational. The nature of the Internet allows us to access content that we want at any time, and your site is no exception have a page that often falls can be very harmful to your image, and the simple fact of not having access to Your site says a lot in itself.

To avoid this kind of thing, you should make sure that the infrastructure of the site is as robust as possible.

Related image

Hiring a Quality Hosting Service can make the difference between a page that meets your expectations, or one which gives mediocre results... and that leads to failure. Among others, a bad hosting provider can actually cause headache in the long term:

  • Falls your page because peak traffic and visits. If your hosting is not prepared for a possible avalanche of visits, the server could not stand and collapse.
  • Problems with the delivery of your emails and spam, especially if your provider does not have the appropriate certificates to ensure that it is not blacklisted.
  • Slow loading speeds across your website, usually because your hosting space is not allocated enough processing power.
  • Lost hours of time talking to the support, especially if your provider does not care what happens to your business.
  • Configuration errors and failures in the website if the server has not been properly assembled and thinking about your needs as a customer.
  • Security vulnerabilities by not having a robust security policy, or not having the software always updated to the latest version servers and many more. 
Above all, you must remember that the Hosting Service is the basis on which your website is held, which should be as solid as possible. This is especially important for those who depend on their website to survive, such as online stores and professional bloggers.

If you have a page that every time you visit many people fall or have serious security problems, in the long run, will be depleting your income and your image.